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- Written by: Keith Norgate
- Category: Standards and Updates
- Hits: 463
We apologise if our previous newsletter of the same title was confusing. It has been pointed out we were technically incorrect as one will need to use SANS 14520 for all gas installations in electronic environments.
In compiling the last newsletter the editors mind was on fire detection, forgetting the implications of gas suppression. There are vast differences when designing fire detection to SANS 10139 or SANS 246. Gas standards are much the same for all environments.
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- Written by: Keith Norgate
- Category: Standards and Updates
- Hits: 610
When presented with a project requiring a gas suppression installation which standard should you reference?
The difference between these two standards is in the title SANS 14520 – Gaseous Fire extinguishing systems and SANS 246 – Fire protection of electronic installations.
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- Written by: Keith Norgate
- Category: Standards and Updates
- Hits: 1137
2021 brings about a long awaited updates of the SANS 10139 code published earlier this year with many anticipated changes from the 2012 version.
We have compiled a summary of these changes for your convenience and information - clicking on these links will route you to a video clip presentation of the various sections highlighted below:
Read more: SANS 10139:2021 Updates Summary
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- Written by: Keith Norgate
- Category: Standards and Updates
- Hits: 486
The long awaited update to the T section of SANS 10400 (Application of the Building Standards Act) has been sent out for public comment.
Working groups will soon be assessing all comments received and bringing the standard to its final acceptance. Publication will follow.
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- Written by: Keith Norgate
- Category: Standards and Updates
- Hits: 782
As we are all aware SANS 10139:2012 is 6 years out of date and major changes have been made to the British Standard that the South African standard follows. We highly recommend these changes be adopted and implemented into the industry until such time as the SABS make these changes.