

We enter another year of inspecting fire systems and a big thank you to the insurance industry for your support.

A large part of our business is generated by recommendations from the insurance industry for customers to get their fire systems inspected and certified.

We have saved many clients from poorly installed or designed fire detection and gas suppression installations and hence upgrading standards of installation throughout the country.

A large problem comes from design and supply projects issued directly from clients as they put trust solely in the hands of one company who design, install, commission and hand over systems without any review from the outside. These companies normally get the first year maintenance contract so problems only come to light after this period.

Their latest concern we are dealing with is many persons now providing room integrity testing with outdated or non- approved equipment or software. The operators are sometimes not fully trained and provide results based on NFPA standards which differ from those in South Africa.

With the support of the insurance industry we unearth these problems and try to resolve them at various levels.

Keep demanding 3rd party certification of fire detection and protection systems as this is the only true way you know your insurance can rest at ease knowing installations are in accordance with national standards and have a greater chance of protecting properties against fire.

The insurance industry is one of the leaders in uplifting the quality of fire protection systems in South Africa.

We applaud you and thank you.